Security Services

With the increase in cyber attacks, enterprises small or big , have started to improve and modernize its IT security from time to time to keep it updated and be ahead of such threats.

Imperial IT solution has a host of top notch third party IT security solutions suits as their sole business partner, and thereby is in a position to offer unmatched security solution which is otherwise not offered by any other competing firms in this domain. Here are few such exclusive technology partners of Imperial –

Web – VAPT

Imperial IT  Solutions is known for providing a comprehensive solution to enterprises in assessing the threats facing its web applications. Here are its mai features –

Thus Imperail’s VAPT solution is the most comprehensive one when compared to other IT service providers offerings.

Deception Security - Product Acalvio & Attivo

Imperial IT solutions’s eclusive partnership with the award winning ACALVIO , helps its clients to get the benefit of Advanced Threat Defense. The resultant benefits are far reaching and covers the following

Imperial is alos tied up with ATTIVIO in offering Cognitive Search and Knowledge by easily integrating every data source into one always-learning platform

Real time Backup Software - Crashplan & Snapshot

Imperil’s partnership with Crashplan provides its client the assess to world’s most reliable data backup service as a continous  independednt process

Coupled with this is Imperial’s offering of Snapshot Data Recovery Service,  which together offers a killer punch in back up and recovering all sort of data in whatever format they have been stored